(1) To give students the opportunity for international student exchange
(2) Raising awareness about climate change and the importance of carbon neutrality
(3) Learn how to discuss in English
(4) Have students consider an international career path through discussion with OBs/OGs who participated in the program in the past
From June to December this year, students from the Faculty of Engineering in Yonezawa worked together with students from Kasetsart University Sriracha Campus in Thailand during the "2021 Thailand Online Exchange Program". This was a new, alternative and remote program of the “YU Faculty of Engineering International Summer Program” that was created due to the Coronavirus. Main topic of the program was climate action and the calculation of ones own carbon footprint.
The program took place in three stages, each stage being concluded with online presentations from students.
Stage 1: Introduction of the Universities and countries, including cultural presentations.
Stage 2: Learning about Carbon Footprint and worldwide environmental problems.
Stage 3: Introduction of an "Action plan" of what can be done at the University/at home to reduce carbon emissions and climate change.
On November 6th, additionally a discussion round with former participants of the program who now work abroad was conducted.
Attendees: 10 students from YU, 12 students from Kasetsart University in Thailand, about 12 faculty members and staff from both Universities